By Sharon Legaspi
This is the story of how I became a donor at Save the Children Philippines.
I was travelling back to California, when a young lady approached me at the Davao airport.
She was asking for donations for Save the Children.
I was hesitant at first because of bad rumors about some people using charitable organizations just to get money.The lady told me that I can cancel my donation anytime, so I signed up.
I signed up, with children’s education in mind.
I then did some research about Save the Children and that's how it all started. Until today, I am a proud donor and supporter of child rights.

Supporting Filipino children wherever I may be
A few weeks ago, my husband and I talked about the organizations that we’re supporting monthly.
I asked my husband if he'd seen any emails coming from Save the Children. He said yes.
One of the charitable organizations here in my very own Ventura, California – which helps homeless families – was struggling to keep their operations going.
After learning about this, I had second thoughts about continuing my support for Save the Children back in the Philippines.
I thought that if I stopped my donations at Save the Children, I could add the money for this other organization that’s closer to home, here in California.
My husband, however, told me to think about the children. These Filipino children are their families’ hope.
I then prayed and asked God to show me the right answers.
As I was browsing the Internet, I came across the radio station Wish 107.5, and learned about the Filipino artists that donated to Save the Children. They chose the organization as their beneficiary during Wish 107.5’s music festival.
So I then realized that this is really a legitimate organization doing important work. I thanked God for answering my prayer.

Thanks so much for helping us reach more children with our life-saving and life-changing programs.
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